Australia’s leading yoga equipment supplier

Kurma Range

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The German made Kurma Range are known as one of the best and most durable yoga mats in the world.

From founder Claus Grzesch; "30 years ago, I was learning yoga under B.K.S. Iyengar when he pointed at the green non-slip carpet underlay I was standing on and said “These are very good. Made in Germany. Interesting to know.” He then chuckled and left. It was this very sentence that initiated our persistent strive to provide the best mats to our yoga community.”

Exclusive to iYogaprops in Australia, this is our premium range of yoga mats.

Kurma, Sanskrit for “turtle”, symbolizes the unshakeable support of the world. According to ancient mythology, Kurma stabilized the universe during the eternal struggle of the forces of nature, heaven and the underworld. The symbolic values of reliability, support, personal connection and transformation can be found in every Kurma product.

Fun fact - The Core mats are from the same German maker as Manduka PRO mats.

Grip Geco Series Table

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