Keeping Up Your Practice In The Winter Season
Winter presents challenges on many levels.
Here are some tips for getting to your practice when it all seems toooo hard.
- April 19th, 2023
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- Do a short practice. Ten minutes daily or even every second day is better than a longer practice occasionally. Allow yourself to build up over time.
- Do mostly poses that you enjoy and only one or two that challenge you (but do try to throw in a challenge)
- Use some props to support you and your alignment. It’ll help you to practice more often, for longer, and with greater clarity
- Practice with a friend or a practice group for mutual support and encouragement
- Go to classes and feed off the teacher’s energy and experience (but find a good, well-qualified one!)
Or if the energy to get into an Asana practice just isn’t there…
- Do some Pranayama. Simple Ujjayi or Viloma breathing is very settling and really helps set the day off on a positive note. Laying down or sitting up with support is fine. Ten or 15 minutes is great.
- Do a quality Savasana. If you have trouble remaining present, go through the process of relaxing your whole body and then turn your attention to the breath. Formulate a silent sound on each out-breath such as the sound of the word “one”. As you notice the mind has drifted, simply return to the breath…”Wunnn” It is infinitely better to do a good Savasana than to do no practice at all.
- Read some words of inspiration or wisdom from a favourite author. If you don’t have one try reading “Light on Life” or “The Tree of Yoga” by Iyengar. A page or two a day can really help.
Peter Harley is a qualified Iyengar teacher at Yarraville Yoga Centre