Australia’s leading yoga equipment supplier

Covid safe practice

With the advent of Covid safe plans at yoga schools around the country, strict cleaning regimes have been introduced and many students are being asked to supply their own equipment.

Bringing your own equipment is fine if it’s just a mat, a belt and couple of blocks like our Personal Class Kit but its more problematic for those wishing to practice shoulder stand or make use of the ubquitous yoga bolster.

We at iYogaprops have thought through this and have developed new products which allow students to bring their own covers to class and simply slip them onto a bolster or a pair of shoulder stand cushions.

Covid Safe Practice
  • April 19th, 2023
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The Bolster Slip Cover and Cushion Slip Cover are simple covers, loose fitting and easily slipped on before class. They can be stored in your mat bag and brought along with you.  They are light-weight, quick drying and can be washed between classes.

Made from organically grown cotton, unbleached and undyed to minimise environmental pollution they are also relatively inexpensive at about half the price of fitted covers.

Blankets are very common but difficult to clean props at yoga schools.  It is possible to use iYoga cushions for many of the applications blankets are used for such as sitting poses, shoulder stand, Savasana and Pranayama. Our recommendation is to dispense with blankets during the Covid safe period and for students to bring their own covers for use on cushions.  Where this is not possible it may be possible to fold blankets and to place them in the cushion covers for use like a cushion. This will of course involve handling the blankets and will require hand washing after the blankets have been inserted and removed.

Stay safe and keep up your practice. Yoga practice is a wonderful support to us all and our communities through these challenging times.

Bolslip Demo2 Portrait
Cushslip Demo
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