Australia’s leading yoga equipment supplier

Bolster Comparison Chart

The most common size of yoga bolster used in yoga studios are our large sized bolsters. 72cm long and 23cm diameter.

Used to provide support for restorative asanas, Yin Yoga, gentle back bends, sitting poses and many other poses.

Bolster Comparison Chart 1

For a quick breakdown of our large yoga bolsters please find our bolster comparison chart below.

Currently we have two types of large yoga bolsters to choose from. We have our ECO Cotton bolster and our Eco PET Bolster.

All of are bolsters are packed firmly. If you prefer a softer feel you can remove some of the fill utilising the zip and the end. We recommend keeping any fill removed in a zip lock bag for future use. Both bolsters are the same length, shape and diameter. They are available with our Organic Cotton Covers with 8 different colours to choose from.

As you can see in the bolster comparison chart below the difference between the two bolsters is the fill. The ECO Cotton Bolster is filled with a cotton fibre made from discarded clothing and fabrics. This yoga bolster weighs approximately 4kg and is best for people that prefer cotton fibres.

The ECO PET fill is a supportive fibre made mostly from discarded PET bottles and plastics. The bottles are cleaned, and processed to make a fine fibre which is then used to fill the yoga bolster. This bolster weighs approximately 3kg and is great for warm tropical areas as it does not take in moisture.

Which ever yoga bolster you choose, you will find them to be firm, supportive and long lasting. At iYogaprops we consider our environmental impacts a carefully. We have decided that re-using existing fill material is a better option than our discontinued organic cotton fill range.

Bolster Comparison Chart

Bolster Comparison Table
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