Australia’s leading yoga equipment supplier

Recycle Reuse Repurpose - Yoga mats

Get creative with your old yoga mat!

Just because its days as your yoga buddy are over, doesn’t mean your yoga mat can’t continue to contribute!

Recycle Reuse Repurpose Yoga Mats

We’ve put together a list of some cool and funky ways you can reuse your old mat:

  • Pets – My dogs used to lick their bowls around the house; feeding time turned into a bit of a treasure hunt! Cutting a section of my old mat and placing this under their bowls stopped them in their tracks!
  • Gardening – laying a section of mat where weeds are present will smother them.
  • Moving house? Protect your fragile items!
  • Use as “non-slip” surface for steps around your home
  • When loading heavy or sharp objects into your car, use to prevent scratches and pressure marks
  • Run out of towels for the beach? Take your old mat!
  • Use for cushioning when working on your car
  • Line shelves to keep glasses from scratching paint
  • Camping – extra softness
  • Cut to size and put underneath chair and table legs to prevent floor scratching
  • Use beneath rugs to keep them in place
  • Donate to animal shelters – old mats are used to line crates etc.
  • Cut out to shapes, letters and numbers for kids to play with
  • Use stencils to create shapes you can hang from trees
  • Place on floor in front of stove or sink
  • Put under exercise equipment
  • Use small pieces for sharp corners
  • If you enjoy doing yoga outdoors, use your old mat instead
  • Use for muddy shoes

As you can see, there are loads of ways you can reuse your old mat!

Remember to think green and creative, and don’t buy a new mat until you really need to!

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